Welcome to the Research Area of the SepsEast Community!


About Clinical Research

"Clinical research plays a pivotal role in advancing medical knowledge and improving patient outcomes. By investigating the safety and efficacy of new interventions, clinical trials provide valuable insights that guide treatment decisions and enhance the quality of care.

Clinical research
is guided by rigorous scientific methodologies, ensuring that the results are reliable and reproducible. Research findings inform evidence-based guidelines, empowering healthcare providers to deliver personalized and effective therapies tailored to individual patient needs."

Through education, training, clinical research, and communication the SepsEast  network contributes to increased awareness, better understanding, advances in management and improved outcomes in sepsis accross Central and Eastern Europe.

Research Projects

Are you interested in our research  projects?
Please choose from the options below.
Here you can find research in the field of intensive and critical care, conducted by SepsEast members and collaborating institutions.

Click on image for details.
Here you can find research in perioperative critical care, conducted by SepsEast members and collaborating institutions.

Click on image for details.

SepsEast Research Centres

Here you can find our cooperating centres.

Click on logos for details
Warsaw - Central Clinical Hospital
Plzen - Charles University
Bratislava - Comenius University
Budapest - Semmelweis University
Kistarcsa - Flór Ferenc Kórház
Celje - General Hospital
Murska Sobota - General Hospital
Rijeka - University


SepsEast Community is a voluntary initiative of Central and Eastern European intensivists to bring East and West closer to each other for a better ICU care.